October 31, 2013
 Happy Halloween!
New gate added to office door
To help prevent a dog from bolting out the door and into traffic on Terrace Heights Drive, we've installed an additional gate on the office entryway. (No, we haven't had any escapees yet... and we want to keep it that way!)
Please remember to close any gate you open at K9. We appreciate your cooperation in helping keep all the dogs here safe.
Thanks, Big Dogs!
Many thanks to all the Big Dogs who missed their week at daycare so Laurie could get away for a cruise to Alaska. Unfortunately, the weather was awful, but the scenery was still incredible.
Laurie in Juneau, Alaska
Alaskan scenery on the way to Sawyer Glacier
Sawyer Glacier at Tracy Arm near Juneau
Ice calved from the glacier
Laurie and her hat!
Priority reservation system in place for holidays
We're using the priority reservation system for K9 regulars over the holidays again this year. To help give our regular customers more flexibility and a better chance at securing a spot with us on busy holidays, we will place new or infrequent customers on a waiting list until the priority date has passed.
Here are the priority dates for this holiday season:
Thanksgiving... Preferred reservations until November 1
Christmas... Preferred reservations until December 1
New Year's Eve... Preferred reservations until December 10
After those dates, boarding reservations will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis for new and regular customers.
New deposit and pre-pay policies now in place
Please note these new policies for deposits and holiday boarding pre-payment, effective November 1, 2013.
- For all boarding reservations, a $75 non-refundable deposit is required.
- If a cancellation is made up to 14 days prior to the first day of the boarding reservation, the $75 deposit will be applied as a credit on your account.
- For boarding reservations on busy holidays, payment in full is required 14 days prior to the first day of the reservation. If full payment is not made within 14 days of the boarding reservation, we may release your spot to another customer.
The holidays are especially busy times for boarding and we often have a waiting list. We hope these policies will help us to ensure that we are able to provide boarding for as many dogs as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.
Plan ahead for holiday closures
- Closed for daycare and boarding drop-off Thursday, Nov. 28
- Closed for daycare and boarding drop-off Friday, Nov. 29
- Pick-ups for Thanksgiving weekend on Sunday 3-4pm
- All boarding drop-offs by noon on Tuesday, Dec. 24
- No daycare on Tuesday, Dec. 24
- Closed for daycare and boarding drop-off Wednesday, Dec. 25
- All regular hours resume Thursday, Dec. 26
New Year's Eve
- All boarding drop-offs by noon on Tuesday, Dec. 31
- No daycare on Tuesday, Dec. 31
New Year's Day
- Closed for daycare and boarding drop-off Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014
- All regular hours resume Thursday, Jan. 2
Progress made at Wagmore Park
It's been a busy summer at the site of Wagmore Park. The big tree near the house was removed and all other trees were trimmed. The entire area has been cleared of rocks and debris. The soil has been turned and power was connected to the pump house, getting it all ready for seeding and irrigation in the spring. We're also working on an amendment with county for the desired fence line placement.
Here are some pictures of what's been happening:
A big THANKS to Ed Olson of Reeser Creek Excavating for all the work he did clearing rocks and discing the site
We took three loads of rocks away
Trees trimmed and soil ready for seeding in the spring
Power was run from the old house to the future pump house
The old house... a work in progress
Trickinnex Tree Trimmers removed the big tree from the site
Cold weather safety reminders
As the temperature drops, keep these safety tips in mind:
- Don't leave antifreeze out in an open container, and promptly clean up any spills or leaks. Every year, dogs and cats are fatally poisoned by drinking antifreeze. They think it tastes good!
- Be sure your dog's outdoor water bowl doesn't freeze solid. Always provide fresh, clean drinking water for your pets.
- In extremely cold weather or wet weather, provide a warm, dry place for your dog to stay. Indoors with you is the best place!