If you're one of the people who has ever offered to help me... I could use some help now!

If you read the last edition of The Scoop, you know I'm considering building a private dog park in Terrace Heights. I have received approval from the county to develop the land, but a neighbor has filed an appeal. The hearing is set for Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. If you are able to attend the hearing with me, I'd really appreciate your show of support for me and the dog park plan.

If you can help me with this, please call the K9 office at 453-9663 or let me know the next time you bring in your dog.


If you missed the last edition of The Scoop, with more details about the dog park plan, click here to read it now.

If you haven't yet taken our short dog park survey, click here to take the survey now.

Save the date!

We've set the date for our 2nd Annual Customer Appreciation Barbecue on Saturday, August 27. We hope you can join us for a doggone good time! We'll have more details available in August.