Thanks again for signing up to receive our newsletter by email. This month we have a few quick reminders for you, a great product for dogs with sensitive feet, and a little obedience training for our Doggie Daycare group.

Summer is almost over, so be sure to enjoy the last of these warm days outdoors with your dog!

September 2008


K9 Country Club will be closed Saturday, September 20 through Sunday, September 28.

Traveling for the Holidays?
If you plan to board your dog during the months of November and December, you need to call as soon as possible to reserve space. We fill up very quickly!

Doggie Daycare will be closed the following dates:
Monday, November 24 through Friday, November 28
Monday, December 22 through Friday, December 26
Thursday, January 1 and Friday, January 2

Does your dog have sensitive feet?

The pea gravel here can be rough on dogs with sensitive feet. To help protect the pads of our most pampered pets, we've started using Pawz® - natural rubber boots for dogs. They're easy to put on and take off (no straps or buckles), plus they're reusable, disposable, and biodegradable... and they work! Pawz® are also waterproof and provide protection from ice and snow, lawn chemicals, salt, sand, and hot pavement.

We have Pawz available for sale in all sizes. Ask for them the next time you're in.

Owner Obedience 101
How to fetch your dog from daycare

Sometimes dog owners need to review their training. This lesson will cover the proper steps for picking up your dog from Doggie Daycare at K9 Country Club.

Consider this scene:

Freida arrives to pick up her dog, Snookie. As she walks through the parking lot, Freida thinks she hears Snookie barking over the fence so she starts calling his name. "I'm here Snookie! Mama's here!" Snookie, who was not barking earlier, now hears Freida and begins to bark (and jump and pace) frantically.

As Freida enters the daycare building, all the dogs rush to the gate to see her. She greets the group with an enthusiastic "Oh! Aren't you cuuuuute!!" while reaching over the gate to pet the dogs excitedly pushing their way to the front of pack.

Noticing that the other dogs are getting the attention he's used to receiving, Snookie starts growling. "Hey... back off. That's MY mama, not yours!" Growls turn into snarls, the tension mounts, and soon the whole pack of dogs is in a tizzy.

Freida gets an F for this lesson (and Snookie gets three stitches in his ear).

Here's what went wrong:

  • Snookie was quiet and relaxed until he heard Freida calling from the parking lot. Quiet and relaxed is a good way for a dog to be. A frantic dog is much more likely to cause or suffer an injury.

  • All the dogs were curious when Freida came in the door, but if she had stood quietly instead of talking excitedly, the dogs would have checked Freida out then gone back to what they were doing before she came in. By talking to the dogs, Freida created a push-and-shove match for her attention.

  • When Freida reached over the gate to pet the other dogs, Snookie became jealous. A jealous dog can be very aggressive.

Now, take this test to see how you would score...

When you enter the Doggie Daycare building, you should:
A. Make a big fuss, talk loudly and reach over the fence to pet all the dogs
B. Stand quietly and wait for your dog
Answer: B.
Dogs are very possessive animals and don't like sharing their owners with other dogs. By remaining calm and quiet you can avoid causing a fight to erupt.

If the K9 staff is busy with another dog or owner, you should:
A. Go ahead and let your dog out yourself
B. Wait until the staff is ready for you

Answer: B
Please don't open the gate to let your dog out. It's too easy for other dogs to get out at the same time. Our staff wants all dogs to be safe and happy while they're here.

When you leave with your dog, you should:
A. Always have your dog on a leash
B. Not worry about a leash because you trust your dog
Answer: A
Even the best trained dogs can behave unpredictably. Parking lots are dangerous places for dogs. With lots of distractions (cars, other dogs, and sometimes stray cats) you cannot trust your dog not to bolt. By keeping your dog on a leash you can avoid tragic injuries.

Have a question about dog or owner training? Let us know!